Saturday, July 3, 2010

UFC 116

UFC 116: Lesnar vs. Carwin

Battle of the ultimate heavyweights. I'm not really going for any fighter on this one, just hoping for a good fight. I saw the preliminary interviews and man, did Brock look really small. It looks like he dropped A LOT of weight since he contracting that stomach disease. I hope he's better and he'll perform just like he always does.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Cut-off jeans...

That's the thing to do. Instead of buying new shorts for the summer, clean those closets and look for those jeans that haven't been worn in years (as long as they still fit). Saves you $$$ and they don't look half bad either.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


After a two month stint, I'm officially back.

Got too busy to write. There are lots of things happening in my life right at this moment. Major decision. I'll give some brief information as the month progresses. For now, I'll get back to posting the good stuff.